Safety Tips for Dog Groomers

Training Yourself and Your Team 

Whether you are thinking about starting a dog grooming business, or just need a refresher for yourself and your team, reviewing safety tips can help to reduce the risk of accidents. Dog grooming is a business that not only involves the safety of you and your staff, but also of the pets that you are entrusted with. Training yourself and your team to recognize and avoid safety hazards in your grooming salon is one way to help maintain a safe working environment. Below is a non-exhaustive list of some general tips you may want to consider.

Pre-Screen Your Clients 

An important step to taking on new clients is pre-screening the dogs that you see, not only for your safety, but also for the safety of the dog. Ask the owner if the dog has any history of anxiety, aggressive behavior, or biting. If the dog has a history of anxiety, discuss what techniques and approaches have worked in the past to calm the dog, as well as what behaviors should be avoided. If the dog has a history of aggression or biting, asses whether or not you want your business to take this safety risk. Also ask if the dog has any sensitivities or allergies to any of the shampoos or other products that you may be using.

a dog groomer wraps an anxious dog in a towel

Preventing Dog Bites 

While pre-screening the dogs that come into your salon is an important step, dog bites are still a very real hazard of working in dog grooming. There are steps that you can do to reduce the risk of this behavior, such as paying attention to behavior changes in the dog, and slowly introducing new tools such as clippers. If you notice that a dog you are grooming is exhibiting anxious behavior, stop grooming and take a short break. You should prepare for unwanted bites by wearing thick gloves that cover your arms and wrists when you are grooming dogs, as well as long sleeved shirts. Keep a first aid kit in your grooming salon, and train employees on what they should do if a biting incident does occur.

a long-haired dog sits on a grooming table as a dog groomer clips their fur

Avoid Leaving Dogs Alone 

Steering clear of accidents in your grooming salon means keeping a keen eye on fido and his friends. Gather all the tools you will need to groom the dog ahead of time. If a dog is not in a kennel, make sure they are restrained with a leash, groomer’s loop, or by some other means. If you have employees, make sure everyone on your team knows the importance of always keeping control of animals in the salon.

a large dog getting bathed

Be Careful Around Eyes and Ears 

When shampooing around the dog’s eyes, use a tearless shampoo. Use extra caution when using scissors around the eyes and ears.

Don’t Forget About Insurance 

From customer slip and falls, to accidental pet injuries, make sure your grooming salon has appropriate insurance coverage. You can read more about common coverages and how to get a quote for your grooming salon here.

a dog groomer uses a dryer to dry a dog after bathing

Regularly Clean and Disinfect Your Salon 

Avoid slips and falls in your salon by mopping up any spills, and having staff wear non-slip shoes. Surfaces should be regularly disinfected to avoid diseases from spreading.

fire extinguishers

Have a Fire Safety Plan 

You should regularly inspect any electrical equipment such as your dryers and clippers for signs of wear and tear. Check the charge time on your clippers, and unplug them after they are done. Check with local fire officials to see how many fire extinguishers and what types of extinguishers your business should have. For example, CO2 extinguishers are commonly known to be used on fires caused by electrical items. Take the time to read the instructions on your fire extinguishers, as it can save precious time when an emergency does happen. You should put together a fire evacuation plan and have it posted where all employees can see.


When running a dog grooming salon, the safety of the dogs in your care is important, but so is the safety of yourself and any employees that you have. Pre-screening the dogs that come into your salon for anxiety, aggression, or a history of biting is an important step. You should keep control of the dogs in your care at all times by having them in a kennel, on a leash, or on a grooming loop. You should have a commercial insurance policy in place, as well as a fire safety plan. By following these steps, you can help reduce the risk of accidents at your grooming salon.


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