Policy #: WI2324MESHIP87
Group #: ST1531SH
Note: The CIGNA PPO Network of providers should be used to receive the best plan benefits. Select: Medical Plan PPO
Thomas College offers a way for you to enroll in an affordable student health insurance plan. All day students taking 9 credits or more will be automatically enrolled in the plan unless a waiver is completed prior to 9/29/23. The Annual Term premium is $1,642. New or transfer students starting in the Second Semester are automatically enrolled in the Spring Term plan unless a waiver is completed prior to 2/16/2024. The Spring Term premium is $956. The Plan provides benefits for covered preventive care, illnesses, injuries, mental health and is a full major medical plan compliant with the Affordable Care Act. It is necessary to reenroll in this plan each year in order to have continuous coverage as a student while at college. Students must actively attend classes for at least the first 31 days after the date for which coverage is purchased. If the student withdraws after that period, coverage remains in effect through 7/31/2024. For seniors who graduate during the policy period, the coverage will continue until the policy termination date of 7/31/2024.
You need to be informed about the health services available to you as a college student. Always consider your first health resource your on-campus student health center. In addition, while your benefits under this plan apply to any health care provider you choose, you can reduce or eliminate your expenses if you start with the college health center. Take a moment to review the plan. You are strongly advised to consider taking advantage of this opportunity for protection.
Coverage for the Fall Term starts on August 1, 2023, or the date of enrollment, if later. Coverage continues through July 31, 2024.